Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby pumpkins

We visited the pumpkin patch this morning to find baby pumpkins! This wasn't the only one but it was the easiest to get a photo of because it's right on the edge of the patch. It's a little hard to tell scale here, but it's about the size of half a football. It looks more like a watermelon than a pumpkin!

The vines all have flowers on them too, and we saw bees flitting about pollinating the flowers, which was really cool. Yay bees! I was a little concerned that they wouldn't find the pumpkin patch, but they seem to have found it just fine.

We couldn't stay out there too long though, not even long enough to get a count of pumpkins because there was a swarm of mosquitoes determined to exsanguinate us. I'll have to get some Deep Woods Off before I go back to count pumpkins and pull some weeds.

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