Friday, May 16, 2008

Pumpkins vs Crown Vetch

The ground on the East side of my house is predominated by Crown Vetch. It's annoying because it spreads everywhere, and it looks really ugly in fall, spring, and winter. It's an invasive species too, so there's another reason not to like it. I thought I'd try planting some pumpkins among the crown vetch to see which vine would win. So I planted 8 pumpkin seedlings on the crown vetch hill. I planted two seedlings next to my driveway in case the crown vetch wins, I'd still get some pumpkins. I've heard that they are easy to grow, and that's what I need because I am gardening-challenged.

I went to the Fitchburg Farmer's Market yesterday and picked up some onion seedlings. I'm going to plant those and have some of my very own garden-grown onions. I'm quite excited, but I may have overdone it a bit. Since I have no faith in my ability to keep plants alive, I bought 55 of them. They were only ten cents a piece, so it was a good deal. So here's to hoping they grow!

Rainbow Fleece Farms was also there with some beautiful yarns and roving. I bought a needle-felting kit because it's something I've always wanted to try. The instructions were pretty clear, and it's a really simple thing to do! So far, I've needle felted a flower and a penguin. The only downside is that you have to be careful that you don't accidentally poke yourself with the needle.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Falcoon's lion cut

Here are before and after pictures of Falcoon's lion cut. He shed so much this spring that he developed some nasty matts. It was quite unpleasant for him, so we called in a groomer who gave him a lion cut. Craig thinks he looks "positively ridiculous." I think he's cute, but it's like looking at a different cat. I'm so used to seeing a cat with tons of fur. What surprises me most is how slender he is. He looked so big with all that fur!

Our other cats, Doc and Sid, are rather confused by Falcoon's new look, but I'm sure they'll get used to it. And I think most of all, he's going to be much cooler this summer. Today was 80 degrees, and he was acting so hot. Poor baby.